Drawing in 2D


 | Thoughts |


This assignment was honestly pretty fun. It seemed kinda daunting at first with the number of shapes to make. It was a great learning experience as well since I got to learn how to use a bunch of useful tools. 


| Difficulties |


There were a few times when I couldn't understand how a command worked and so I had to come up with a different way of doing it using commands I already know. For example, when I was doing the shape on the 4th row far right, for some reason I could not get the split command to work. I tried using a line and a rectangle to cut the shape into two but to no avail. So instead what I did was, I used the explode command to make the curves all separate. Then I put a rectangle in the middle and used the trim tool to make it look like the example shape. 


Images from the Process


Note: I forgot to include the bottom left two in...


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